2018 HKS Design Fellowship Southeast
- Stephen Szutenbach
- Claudia Cintas
2018 marks the first installation of the HKS Southeast Design Fellowship. This annual event is one of three regional charrettes presented by HKS. This year, unique design fellowships will be hosted by the HKS offices in Washington, D.C. (Mid-Atlantic DF), Chicago (Midwest DF) and Orlando (Southeast DF).
Southeast Design Fellowship – An Opportunity for Healing
Spontaneous memorials that arise in the aftermath of tragedies provide a community with an outlet to express its grief as well as its unified resolve.
Given the location, the timing and the community’s yearning to heal, the brief for the 2018 Southeast Design Fellowship seemed predestined: to offer our time and talent to the OnePulse Foundation in their goal to ultimately create a fitting memorial for the 2016 Pulse tragedy which took the lives of 49 angels. In partnering with the OnePulse Foundation, we have been given the charge to think beyond the boundaries of convention, property and precedent – to delve into the possibilities of how to remember and give meaning to those who lost their lives in this senseless act of violence. In this charge, we have been entrusted with a precious responsibility to honor, while simultaneously challenging our society to be better neighbors to not only those who are like ourselves, but to all we encounter.
What does Orlando Strong look like in the built environment?
Important Dates
- February 2, 2018: applications due
- February 9, 2018: fellows notified of acceptance
- February 16, 2018: fellow confirmation due
- March 9-12, 2018: Design Fellowship
The Location
The Southeast Design Fellowship 2018 will be hosted by the HKS Orlando office at the following address:
225 E Robinson Street, Suite 405
Orlando, FL 32801
The Application (Student)
Full-time undergraduate or graduate students in architecture, interior design or other design programs.
Entry Materials:
- Student application form
- 11 X 17 Design page – this can be a single image, a sampling of previous work, collage or whatever reflects who you are as a designer (no photos of yourself or name on the submission to keep anonymous please).
- Design process – a two to four sentence description of your process and the tools you use.
- Letter of recommendation – submitting a letter of recommendation is highly encouraged, however not required for selection to the Design Fellowship.
Claudia Cintas
The Application (HKS)
HKS professionals working in one of the southeast region’s offices (Atlanta, Miami, Orlando or Tampa).
Entry Materials:
- HKS employee application form
- 11 X 17 design page – this can be a single image, a sampling of previous work, collage or whatever reflects who you are as a designer (no photos of yourself or name on the submission to keep anonymous please).
- Design Process – a two to four sentence description of your process and the tools you use.
Please send the application form and all entry materials, in PDF format, as well as any inquiries to: HKSdf_SouthEast@hksinc.com
Candidates will be chosen by the design fellowship committee. All applicants will be notified via email within a week following the deadline. Fellows will be required to submit a headshot photo upon notification for inclusion in the welcome packet and website announcement.
The 2018 Mid-Atlantic Design Fellowship – Stadiums With a Pulse
HKS’ Mid-Atlantic Design Fellowship (MADF) is an intense three-day charrette for emerging HKS professionals and design students to imagine creative solutions for unique challenges in the mid-Atlantic region.
2018 HKS Design Fellowship Midwest – Final Presentations
Architecture and interior design students from around the country will meet in Chicago to participate in a three day design charrette.